Because I am a bitter asshole sometimes. That's why.
Really, why do I sit around and write the retarded shit I do? It comes off as quite hurtful but I guess we all need an outlet?
I decided that even though UPS was not the best company to work for it afforded me many friendships. My new job is filled with a bunch of baby makers and old farts. So I have yet to be invited to any functions as I am not stupid enough to squeeze out any puppies and I do not fit in with the saggies. I honestly have nothing in common with the people I work with for the most part. Now I turn to the lovely remark that all give when changing jobs, “I will keep in touch. Don’t worry.” Well, its a lie. For the most part, people don’t keep in touch and if they do it is only for a short period of time. Unless they are super good friends of yours that you hang out with all the time. So, this leaves a few options for making friends outside of the work environment:
1. Become a lame net geek and chat with ’internet’ friends.
2. Hit the club scene.
3. Take a class. Anything that doesn’t involve too much thinking is best. If it's fun, all the better!
4. Network within your already existing friends. I know you have friends but your friends have other friends too. You can meet them, sometimes you may already know them from some other place and/or time.
5. If all else fails kill yourself. Or if you are too pussy to do that you can be a bitter hag.
Luckily I have good friends so I won’t have to resort to any of the above behaviors. However, 2 and 3 can be pretty damn fun without trying to meet new people. But the majority of people who lack social skills or are control freaks usually opt for 1 and 5. Number 4 is a bit touchy. Meet new people but don’t get all Single White Female and try to take over on your friends’ friends or boyfriends, clothes, looks, fashion… well you get the picture.
Yeah so what, I am just being a grumpy because after UPS I was a loner. With the exception of very few people. Life goes on.