I love food and good beer. What better place to indulge in both than Germany. I tried to snap shots of everything my sister and I consumed. Sometimes we forgot to take pictures because we were ravenous and towards the end of our trip flat out lazy. So pictured above is my last beer (Sweetwater 420) that I had stateside in the Atlanta Airport. The beer was okay but I was about to embark on a journey to taste bud heaven in Germany.

Currywurst and Konig Ludwig Dunkel that we tried while in Fussen. Currywurst is supposed to be pretty good in Berlin but to be honest, Berlin currywurst sucks. I tried currywurst more than once in Berlin in hopes of finding a good one. No dice!
Look at my poor face! That was after a bus ride, plane ride, car ride and tour of two castles later. I think I deserved that beer and some toothpicks to keep my lids pried open.
The above was something called Bayriches Biergartenschmankerl, we had no idea it was basically a snack to have with beer. We had beer but were more in the mood for dinner than just a beer snack. The snack consisted of chives and lard sandwiches, radishes, fir-smoked Black Forest ham and Bavarian cream cheese.
The above photos were from our first dinner in Germany. We ate at Andechser am Dom and we probably were laughed at by the wait staff. We weren't really sure what we were ordering so we just pointed at something and voila that was dinner. The dessert (Eismarillenknodel auf Erdbeermark) was amazing!
This last set of photos were taken at the Euro Youth Hostel in Munich. I will have to say it was the best hostel we stayed at while in Germany. The only drawback is that they have a bar there that stays open until 3am. So if you need it quiet, bring ear plugs. I was too tired to care about the noise. I was excited to try their breakfast special which was Weisswurst, pretzel and sweet mustard with a beer. I think I could have eaten this the whole time I was in Germany.
This picture was in a Vietnamese restaurant that we popped into to have some soup because it was freezing outside. Look closely, it's a picture of a woman breastfeeding a baby. Why?! It was odd to see that picture hanging in a nice restaurant. No I am not a prude, but why in a restaurant? So strange. Check out the yummy soups we slurped up before braving the cold again.
The soup totally hit the spot and gave us just enough will power to tour the Deutsches Museum and The Residenz. After that we had to head to the hostel to recharge our jet-lagged batteries. Forgive me for forgetting the name of the Vietnamese restaurant but when I remember I will add the name and link to the eatery. Our next eatery was at Augustiner am Dom for dinner where my stupidity shone with the brilliance of a thousand suns.
I ordered my soup from this menu. I ordered much like I had at the first place I had dinner, pointing at what I wanted. I had no idea what any of this said because the German I practiced was all via audio lessons. I should have done some reading practice so I pointed to 'Spargelsuppe oder Barlauchsuppe' as my dinner choice. So the waiter asked me if I wanted, "Spargelsuppe oder Barlauchsuppe," and like an idiot I nodded my head and said, "Ja." He shook his head and then pointed to Spargelsuppe then said, "oder" Barlauchsuppe. Doh! It was a choice between two different soups not all one thing. I even had to laugh at myself!!! I chose the Spargelsuppe.
For you that don't know Spargelsuppe is soup made out of white asparagus. I did not know this until I looked it up before writing this post.
When I first got back home, I mentioned to my sister that I wish I would have had some white asparagus while we were in Germany. During our visit there, white asparagus is in season and very popular, I should have written down spargel so I would keep my eye out for it. Little did I know I had tried it in soup totally by accident. No wonder I couldn't figure out why I couldn't pin point the taste of what I had originally thought was a potato soup. Too thin and far to light and tasty to be potato. My sister loved it too!
In addition to the wonderful soup we shared we also tried Jagerschnitzel which was far too filling for both of us so we ended up not finishing it. I quickly made mention to my sister that not a single person ever left with a doggy bag and I didn't see them at any of the restaurants. So we had the plate taken away and obviously had not eaten enough to their liking because it seemed we were too hasty maybe in having it taken away. In retrospect I think this all goes back to Germans taking their sweet time to enjoy their meal and the conversation. My sister and I sat there and enjoyed the rest of our beverage and decided we had enough room for dessert! Had we just sat there with the food longer I am sure we would have eaten more of the main course (maybe!).
I think we may have redeemed our fast-eating, American selves when we got dessert. They took raw apple slices, dipped them in batter and fried them. They served them piping hot with powdered sugar, fresh grapes, a strawberry cream and strawberry sauce. It was really good and I think the sugar high woke us back up.
Breakfast snack on the go. We WERE planning on taking a bite to eat on the go and then finish our walking tour of the Old City Center but after the snow fall from the previous night, we decided more food was in order. Since we were about to leave Munich we decided one more Weisswurst breakfast was in order because it was so good the first time we wanted it again.
We had our final meal in Munich at Bayerischer Donisl if you have the chance to have breakfast in Munich, I recommend this place. It was wonderful, quiet, delicious and authentic. I would love to go back and try their lunch and dinners too! I highly recommend this place to have breakfast before going out to watch the Rathaus-Glockenspiel which goes off daily at 11 am, it is right outside their door!
On to our next destination Wiesbaden!!! While in Wiesbaden we stayed with April and Chase. This was our chance to try a slew of German beers. We also got some German chocolates for Easter to enjoy. Thanks April and Chase.
This was my sister's birthday cupcake cake. It was so tasty! While we were in Germany my sister celebrated her birthday, on Easter. I am glad she was able to celebrate with good friends and me (and it helped too that we were in such an awesome country).
Everyone had something to drink and celebrate with Sylvia. Baby Tucker only got milk but he seemed to be having a great time being cute, sleepy baby.
I was curious about this beverage so I decided to try it. GROSS!!!! It's beer, cola and x? I dunno what this x was. But it tasted god awful!!! I had tried beer and cola which is pretty good. I even had radler and russ which wasn't too bad either, I want to have these this summer when it's hot out because they are refreshing. But Mixer is more like misery for your mouth. Don't try it!
A Kinder egg I brought home for Garrett. You're welcome.
The above set of pictures were from a place called Scotch N Soda which wasn't German food but still delicious and a great place to have birthday dinner for Sylvia. I had a Space Coffee (with booze), potato soup and a dram of 14 year old Oban. So tasty! I will have to say my sister had the best drink in the place, 30 year old Highland Park. Smooth!!!
We had a short trip to Bonn to visit the Haribo store. I love gummy candy. While at the store I noticed a strange framed letter from the ex Gummy Bear of Candicornia (ex Governor of California) thanking Haribo. I assume for making a gummy snack in his likeness?
Chocolate milk, regular milk and juices come in grown up sized juice boxes, loved it. You just flatten the empty container and throw it in the appropriate receptacle.
On the list of many things to try while in Germany, we decided to try Schweinshaxe (menu picture above is not from Colner Hofbrau Fruh). But our dinner was! My sister and I shared our dinner but as hard as we tried to be lady like about eating the pork knuckle, it wasn't happening. There is only one way, at least as far as we knew. No one corrected us or laughed, that we know of.
I can't find a picture (or at least a picture I took) of their kolsch beer glasses, they are beer glasses which only hold about .2 liters of drink in them. I much preferred the beer glasses they used in Munich.
The above three pictures were of chocolate morsels we saw and even got to taste that were at the Chocolate Museum. I could live there. It smelled heavenly! They had a huge chocolate fountain that they dipped wafers in and handed them out to people that were on the tour. If only I could have filled up a jug of chocolate to take with me.
These pizza snacks were in several different vending machines at train stations throughout Germany. Every time I tried to buy some I was denied. I am not sure if I would have eaten it, I may have just given it to my husband to ask him how it was. The picture looked kinda gross.
The picture above is of a kolsch beer we had at the beginning of the downfall of awesome food in Germany. We were out late in search of food and ended up at a Chinese-Fusion food establishment. The service was god awful and the food was eh, mediocre. I think once we were north of Wiesbaden we should have been much pickier about our restaurant choices. Restaurants were plentiful but I think in the future I will stick to southern Germany for my gastric pleasures. For my history lessons and abundance in kiosks for street beer drinking, northern Germany. That would explain my lack of photos of food in Berlin. Not to mention we didn't really go to any sit down establishments since we were very often on the go.
This eating establishment had me perplexed. Had I not been part of a walking tour AND waiting for a bus, I would have taken a closer look to see what kind of eggy stuff they had.
In closing I leave you this beer bike. It's a bike that serves beer while everyone pedals and one, sober guy operating the beer bike drives. I am not sure where these guys were from but they were about to hop off the bike.
Stay tuned for Fat Attack Part Zwei coming soon. More pictures of food and beer coming shortly.
Stay tuned for Fat Attack Part Zwei coming soon. More pictures of food and beer coming shortly.
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